An Overview of the Recent Years on Business Immigration

In this Overview we decided to select several countries from the Central and East Europe (Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Slovak Republic and Czech Republic) as well from Scandinavia (Denmark and Sweden) in order as possible more to perceive business immigration trends of the recent years, get acquainted with the changes that occured, and also to find out with the basic taxes in those countries. All previously mentioned countries belongs to European Union and to its single market. The immigration law requirements that adopting to the citizens from the third countries wishing to get them a residence permit in one of these countries of EU on the basis of lawful activity (i.e., business activity) are not fundamentally different, but exists the difference in accomplishment mechanism of these requirements and measures by which is seeking to mitigate or tighten the settle for living and work purposes in one of these EU countries to citizens of third nationals.

Knowing the general social situation of the recent years in Europe triggered by Refugee crisis when become difficult to adjust and take control over unstoppable refugee flows, incoming from some North African countries, and from the region of the Middle East, European Union in general level responded to restrict existing immigration laws. Germany and Sweden became major targets in the Old Cointnent to the refugees wishing to get a residence permit and settle there.Is important to underline that countries in the region of the Central and East Europe is not a major object of interest to refugees because of less developed economics comparing to western European states ,and existing high homophobic sentiments generally against immigrants. Through the adopted economic developments programs to promote some countries of the Central and East European (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia) expressed an open position in government level (with the some clauses) that allowing to attract business immigrants from the third countries for living and business purposes.